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100 things

doctor's visits: not fun
10/25/04 ~ 1:44 p.m.

yesterday was a brooke* day. we met in napa, shopped at target (got a cool little camera case & christmas presents for sabrina and mariah) had luch at applebee's, and shopped at ross (got david a christmas present and got a sexy red velvet dress for his christmas party! woo!). i actually got home earlier than i expected, at about 3pm, so i was still able to lounge around, watch queer as folk, and do laundry. david made homemade soup and we watched the nightmare before christmas in honor of my halloween costume.

i started off this morning with a doctor's appointment that included a rectal exam. BLEH. i'm taking some precautions to make sure i don't have a family disease. my grandmother, great uncle, and now one of my brothers are all living with chron's disease. while i'm not feeling sick, i've had a few sympoms in the last 3 months that could be early signs. they're things that i would normally disregard, but with my family history, you can't be too safe. anyways. i had an unpleasant exam, a blood test, and got sent home with little stool sample collecting cards. fun. and i get to see a specialist in a few weeks, who will most likely perform a intestinal scope, which is invasive, uncomfortable, and has to be done with general anethesia.

so i really don't think i have this disease (yet, knock on wood, because it can develop later in life), and i'm not thrilled at all of this. we'll see after i meet with the specialist. i might refuse the scope until i have more definate symptoms.

so now that i've filled you all in on stuff about me that you didn't want to know, i'm going to go. sorry if i ruined your lunch/dinner!


not one entry on october 25th in the last four years. wow.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
