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100 things

party party party party
07/15/04 ~ 2:23 p.m.

i've decided that a party must be thrown before i go under the knife. one last drunken blowout before i can't walk for a few months. maybe it should have a theme - physical ailments or something. come wearing your favorite bandage.

ok, i'm probably kidding. but really, i want to have a party and i picked the date last night. jeannine helped me, because she's coming down for the event. it will be on july 31st. my last saturday without orthoscopic scars.

anyone have any ideas for a rockin' time? i need a party planner. but more than likely, it will just be a bunch of you at my house drinking beer. which will be cool anyways.

mark your calendars! bring a friend! july 31st, my place.

end public service announcement.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
