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100 things

broke as a joke
07/01/04 ~ 3:12 p.m.

i'm bored now. only 55 minutes to go before i leave for my "doctor's appointment."

it's really slow today, which isn't that great of a sign because when the office makes less money, we get smaller bonuses. but of course, the next bonus isn't until october, and who knows if she'll give me anything because i'll be on disability part of the qualifying time.

more immediately, she needs to do my review so i can get a raise! i will get one for sure because of a cost of living increse, plus maybe i'll get a performance one as well. one can hope! bigger paychecks will help a lot. i'm broke. the kind of broke where you're holding bills and not mailing them until the day before your next paycheck kind of broke. sigh. my second student loan started billing on top all of the other bills. and it was june, my crazy month. i spent too much, that's for sure!

so i've gotta cool it this month. big time. i've been lazy about packing lunches, i need to do that. it's much cheaper. no more eating out! unless of course, david's paying! :P

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
