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david's birthday and i get sick
06/05/04 ~ 7:58 p.m.

it's david's birthday! so what happens?

i got violently ill today. i can't remember the last time i threw up that wasn't alcohol induced.. maybe when i was about 5? so that's 18 years without this pain.

we didn't go to my brother's graduation. i feel shitty about that.

i've had so so far: 1 can lemon lime soda, 1/3 bowl of vegetable broth, 1/2 sugar free jello cup, and 1 sugar free popsicle. crazy. guess having all this sugar free stuff in the house doesn't help when you NEED calories.

i haven't been well enough until now (8 pm) to even *look* at a computer. but now i've been puke-free for a few hours and just really really weak. every muscle of mine aches, and my legs and feet keep cramping painfully. not enough potassium or something.

i think i will be able to eat a whole bowl of soup now, so david is heating it up for me and even putting chicken in it.

i really, really hope i don't feel like this tomorrow.

(p.s. i'm copying and pasting this everywhere cuz i can't type up any more!)

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
