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movie talk
06/04/04 ~ 10:14 a.m.

last night at the beach was fun. i was in this totally hyper, weird-ass mood, so i expect cameron got a bunch of silly pictures of me. i kinda jumped in front of the camera and struck ridiculous poses about every 5 minutes, so... yeah. i'm a dork. ;)

so when i told david i planned on seeing harry potter by myself this weekend, he got all sad. i didn't realize he wanted to go! so i compromised: if i have to wait a week to see harry potter with him, he has to take me to shrek 2 tonight. he agreed. so he's buying advance tickets at lunchtime (he works right near a theater) so we don't have the sold out issue we had before. that movie is pop-u-lar!

my plan for sunday still includes matinee movie hopping, though. now i can hit the chick movies. i was to see 3 (mean girls, raising helen, and 13 going on 30) but in reality, i'll probably only see 2. whichever times work best, i guess.

i'm wearing my knee brace today. you all should be very proud of me. peace out homies.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
