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webring purging gets annoying
08/20/01 ~ 12:59 p.m.

i just spent over an hour checking out everyone who joined my webrings while i was not being an active diarylander. HELLO PEOPLES!! don't join a ring if your page is passworded. dumbheads. anyways, they're pretty clean now. but i have decided that in general, 14 year olds are annoying.

i caught up on monica's diary and lisse's diary. bobbi jo is next. i'll sign your guestbooks to let you know when i'm up to date! got it? cool.

well, i need to meet with my boss for little bit and then go to lunch with brooke. seems she has a lot to dish about. being how i am, with ned far, far away and all, it kinda sucks to hear about new relationship and giddyness and the "how long should i wait?" thing. but.... what can i say? i'm a good friend. and i AM happy for her. i just wish ned was here with me. i try to pretend i'm not lonely, especially with other couples, but i am. i miss him a lot.

ok... before i get sadder, gotta go. gail is waiting!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
