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the rafting adventure
07/16/01 ~ 9:46 p.m.

i had big fatty pictures in here, but i am cool and made them smaller. if they still suck and you're gonna be impatient, go to, click view pictures, select South Bay River Rafters, July 14, 2001. I'm boat 9.

so.. i'll start at the beginning. after the softball game (we lost), my coworker kris and i followed each other to the campsite. the other people there: rene and her whole family, dawnna and her husband, tami, tammy, nakendra, janelle, susan, and gabe. we cooked hot dogs over the fire, made smores, and had beer and hurricanes while gossiping. (work gossip, fun). we went to sleep at about 12:30.

we got up the next morning at 6:30. the rest of our office met us there at 7:45 and we got opragnized. we all rode a bus up to the launching place and split into 6 rafts. i was in raft 2. my guide was only 17! the others were sarah, tammy, kris, gabe, and janelle.

most of the trip we got stuck on rocks. we got tossed into the boat a lot and managed to break one of the supports off. it was fun stuff, we took lots of pictures and had a fun ride.

then we came up to the last rapid... "troublemaker". this is where the pictures are taken. i managed to fall off right at the beginning:

me falling out

then i hit a bunch of rocks:

me hitting a rock

i got bruises on my butt. and i lost my sunglasses and one shoe (it was ned's watershoe anyways!) it was SOOOO fun.

well, i need to sleep and my brother is hounding me for the computer. more tomorrow morning, i'm sure.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
