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middle of the night rambles
07/12/01 ~ 11:37 p.m.

i can't sleep. i don't know why, i should be tired. i was trying to sleep at around 9 pm, but my darling brother decided that that is the best time to play electric guitar. have i mentioned enough how much i hate it here and i want to MOVE?? i actually only have to saty here with my brothers for a little more than a week. then i get to housesit for jenny's parents, then i move in. then ned is here. it's all happening so quickly =).

oh, i should mention i may get arrested. well... it's just that last month, i got a jury duty summons for sometime in july. then i forgot about it until monday. then i was freaking out so i came home to look at the letter to find the dates i'm supposed to report to, and find a phone number to call. i can't find it.

so... tomorrow i'm going to have to call the courthouse and apologize for being an idiot. fun.

heather got in a car accident yesterday. she's ok, more embarrased than hurt. she had 2 people in her car that she doesn't really know, a carpool for her new job. she rear ended someone (hmm... sound like someone?) and just got a few dents. i feel bad for her though.

i decided to make a wish list. my brithday isn't for 5 months... but if i start with something, i can figure out what stuff i want and add to it. then anyone who doesn't know what to get me has an easy reference! i know i could do one of those online shopping lists... but for now just a normal list will do.

my scalp still hurts. i put neosporin on some of the really sore spots. my hair is all grimy. nice, huh?

i was just talking to salina and the stupid AIM service kicked me off! i hate how i have a modem at home. i get so impatient.

and juno is a PAIN IN THE ASS. the web-based version of it hasn't worked for over a month, and i just tried to check it at home and it froze up. i got some messages... one from justine! jj-- if you want a quicker response, email me at [email protected]. i miss you too!

no response from the family friend yet. PLEASE keep crossing your fingers- i really need this!


"...and all the scars of the nevers and maybes.... DIE!"

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
