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100 things

hey... must be the money!
07/12/01 ~ 8:30 a.m.

imood added new smiles! i was getting tired of the same four, totally. today i'm an angel. (duh).

i got another google hit! "holly and rick moody".

my hair is much better. the top is great, the bottom half is kinda ashy blonde, but it'll fade to the right color. then i can use my own home dying stuff to touch up and whatnot. god, that was an ordeal. i was at the salon for 4 hours yesterday! my scalp is all red, sore, and has some scabs. =( poor head.

brooke and i watched so i married an axe murderer last night. (she'd never seen it). mike myers is funny stuff. i love his scottish accents. we also had chinese food. yum.

my "getting a loan" thing isn't working too well. wells fargo will only offer me $4,500 at 19% interest. i have a month to accept it. so basically, i have a month to find a better offer. my next idea is to ask an old family friend. he's a single guy who plays the stock market and makes a lot of money working on computers. he's lent my mom money before. my mom would be pissed, so i'm making him promise not to tell her i even asked. i'm going to email him today. cross your fingers for me.

that's all for this morning. i need to email him and email heather about some apartment stuff. i'm sure i'll post again later.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
