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100 things

goin' clubbin'
05/21/04 ~ 1:46 p.m.

i am closing in on 2,000 entries. holy shit, i ramble a lot! ;P

so, tonight is girl's bar night. i'm excited, should be fun. mariah* can't come, but i know sabrina* and megan are going, and i don't know if there are more girls. hope so.

i tried to buy something new and cute with a jc penny's giftcard yesterday (because i have no money to spare on clothes right now), but i didn't find anything. there was one pair of cute black pants that could have worked, but sadly, they didn't fit. i may wear a size 14 now (down from a 22, thankyouverymuch), but a junior's size 13 can quite handle my butt. CLOSE, but no.

there was one top i *almost* got - it had a neat little ring so the fabric went around and there was an opening for some nice cleavage - but i decided i didn't like the color. pink and i just don't go together.

so i'll find something i already own. i have a few tank tops, just no cute pants. ooh! maybe i'll wear a skirt! hmm. well, i'll have jenn* there for expert advice.

she's also bringing me some of the clothes i had her hang on to when i first started losing weight - they were too small for me then. she promised to give them back when they fit again. i think the time has come! in fact, some things i gave her will be too big. how about that?

ok, this isn't the diet diary, so i'll move along.

david's having a rough time at work. he's facing company and management dynamic issues. they told him he's not "warm and fuzzy" enough, he's too professional. then he hears concerns that people think he's going to start firing the reps. but then he finds out it's because he's grading them fairly (aka giving them a bad score if necissary) on some evaluations whereas the previous manager was, shall we say, quite lax. and that's saying the least of it, but it's all i can say. anyways, i've been doing the best i can to comfort him, listen to him, say helpful things, and jus thold him when he needs it. it's always hard to see someone you love having a hard time. i know it will get better - he's got the potential to be a great manager. change is hard for everyone, but as long as he hangs in there, it will get better.

alright. time to post this and read some magazines. TGIF! (and TG the boss is out!)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
