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i'm gonna pee in their pool!
06/18/01 ~ 10:56 a.m.

i've decided i hate my pool job. this weekend sucked so much ass it's unbelievable. i'm getting so i can't stand the other managers. but i actually like all of them as people! they are just unsympathetic to the fact that i work a lot of hours and everyone always sticks me with the shit shifts. saturday i worked 8-5 at the pool. first a pool party, then public swim. i was working the busiest pool, of course, and i am supposed to have 5 lifeguards. i had *1*. every other guard on the schedule had been fired or had quit in the last 2 days. so i called all the other managers and basically had to beg for them to send me their extra guards. but they were having fun at the other pools, so no one wanted to come to the shit pool. i couldn't open and i had a line out to the parking lot. eventually i had 2 guards and i only opened one pool. the diving board pool was closed. then i got some other guards and opened the others. plus the office double booked pool parties so both families were mad that they had to share the party area. i handed out a lot of free passes for that one. we ended up with a total head count of 305 people in the 4 hour period. and 70 of them had free passes. and we *still* made $369. and i hate my job there.

however, i have too much of a sense of responsibility and although i want to quit, i won't abandon my shifts. so i have to work until at least july 9th. grrrrr.

so my weekend was busy and i didn't sleep well whenever i got a chance to sleep. friday night was the prom party. there were a lot of people there. jenny and i got very dressed up and walked over in uncomfortable shoes. we hung out for awhile, but not tooooo late cuz we were tired. i still got home at 2 am. then i had m horrible saturday at the pool (where i got very sunburned by the way) and then jenny, justin, mike and i went to jane's party. there was a cool river running through the backyard. we played in that and took pictures. we didn't stay too late there either. i got home about 10:30. sunday i did some laundry, bought some strapless bras and cool star thongs, and came home to a bitchy family. i couldn't have gotten out of there faster. i watched can't hardly wait in my room until jenny called and i followed them out to davis. we got all ready (jenny wore this cool retro outfit and i flipped her hair) and people showed up. we went to a mexican restaurant and it was fun. the group of people was laughing and having a good time. jenny ended up having 8 drinks (21st birthday baby!) and then we decided to drive to a kareoke bar. i drove, and by the time we got there, the alcohol had really hit jenny. so we hung out outside the club for awhile until finally she threw up by some tree. i, of course, was hiding out of the view of the puking. then we went to lyon's, used the bathrooms, and drove home to davis. a successful 21st b-day! jenny was proud that she got so drunk she puked. i wonder how she'd doing this morning?

then i had a meeting at the pool this morning and it put me back in a dismal mood. i am making the same as girls who *just* got promoted to the same title as me. i've been there four years and have had WSI certification all 4 years. these girls just got it this year cuz they just turned 17. i'm 20! and were all making a whopping 7.50. wahoo. i'm sure i'm going to quit sometime soon. grrrrrrrrrrrr. ok, enough. back to work at my REAL job.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
