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05/11/04 ~ 10:47 a.m.

one of my bosses is annoying me today. it's the newer broker, he's just being all full of himself and a pain in the ass. grrrr.

david and i are thinking about doing a 10 day fast to cleanse out our systems. and of course i'd be happy losing a few pounds, too. chris* and anya* did it a few weeks ago, and they seemed happy with it. chris drinks beer a lot, so he was attempting to clear out his liver. who knows if it works. he said he lost a few pounds though. and now he's back on the beer. ;)

we're waiting on them to provide us with the instructions and the recipes for the liquid concoctions you drink to get your nutrients while fasting. from what i recall them telling us, you drink a gallon of salt water in the morning, and then all day you can drink water, of course, and also a sort of lemonade drink that has other items in it. tabasco sauce is one of them. i hope the mixture tastes ok, or this is going to be a sucky 10 days. but hey. we're going to give it a shot.

oh! the surgery lady just called me. seems she liked to call when i'm typing updates. anyways. she says i CAN have a monday! so i'm holding august 26th. it will be at the memorial hosiptal though, so i need to get quotes on the cost of that place and compare. if it's hugely more expensive than the surgery center, then i've decided i will take september 3rd and hopefully be recovered enough to enjoy the reno trip.

i can't make those calls until later when i take lunch though. sometimes it's a pain in the ass that i'm keeping it a secret from work. i have to tell everyone who calls me here to just use the vague term "doctor's office" and not say the words "surgery", "hospital", "anesthesiologist", etc. craziness. but i know it's in everyone's best interests right now that i leave them in the dark. no use stirring things up.

alright, time to post this and get back to work before i get caught!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
