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100 things

oh, by the way, your service has changed
05/02/04 ~ 12:02 p.m.

as i was plugging in my cell phone to be charged, i noticed something odd on the screen. it said "cingular." i have an at&t phone. hmm. guess it's switched over. i haven't gotten anything in the mail about it yet. and what a big welcome to cingular!

the party last night... it was fun for awhile, then i was bored, then drama broke out and i was nosy, but still bored because i wasn't part of the drama, and then sabrina and i sang karaoke. and that part was fun. but we got home really late and i'm pretty tired today. in a few hours, there's a board game party at chris' house. before that, dishes need to be done and i'm going to head to the gym. and that's the plan, folks.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
