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my softball debut (no. 2 for today!)
06/12/01 ~ 4:26 p.m.

so, i get to play softball at the game friday. they're short players. i *officially* start the summer season on the 29th. so that was my announcement.

i wrote a letter (well, in a cheesy card) to ned today. in it, i wrote something that i think is true and i'll share it with you all:

"i've been hanging out with jenny a lot lately. and i think it's doing me good. i've been happier and having more fun. i can't wait to move so that she is my closest friend."

this is so true. i mean, when you're aroudn the negative, i-don't-have-a-job-or-any-money-or-any-direction-in-my-life type of friends, they can bring you down. jenny and i share the same type of goals- getting through college and making something of ourselves (thought our futures are going to be pretty different, her being an art major and all).

so, eveyone out there, surround yourself with the ones who bring out the best in you! and enjoy!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
