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100 things

friday five and babble
03/05/04 ~ 12:14 p.m.

what to write today? well, i guess i could do ...

What was...

1. ...your first grade teacher's name?
i have no idea. i didn't spend much time there, they kept sending me to do second/third grade work.

2. ...your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
scooby doo

3. ...the name of your very first best friend?
erin. she lived on my street until we were 8 or so.

4. ...your favorite breakfast cereal?
cinnamon toast crunch. still is, though i can't eat it much anymore. (cuz i'll eat the whole box.)

5. ...your favorite thing to do after school?
well, in junior high i came home, watched saved by the bell, and ate junk food until i heard my mom's car pull up. then i turned it off and pretended i'd been doing homework. in elementary school, i think most of the time, i'd read my babysitters club books or rollerskate.

there. enlighting, no? yeah, didn't think so. what else, what else...

tonight is "date night" for david and i! we're going out to dinner and a movie. vietnamese, and that new ashly judd movie, specifically. we're kinda homebodies (not that i mind, really) and he decided he wanted to go "out." so i'm looking forward to that. first we're meeting at the gym, though. cuz i'm being good about that.

i worked a normal week, so i have tomorrow off. our chinese class is going to chinatown again, and since we went last time, we're staying home instead. we have big plans to clean the bathroom. i know, exciting. i may also scrapbook, read, and organize the tupperware cabinet that keeps exploding out at me.

alright, off to update the other diary. things are looking good in there! yay me.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
