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my weekend
02/24/04 ~ 12:57 p.m.

what did i do this weekend? well, sunday i messed with my webpage in the morning, as you can see, and then i spent the majority of the day watching sex and the city episodes from season 6. i watched up until third to last episode, when, att about 5, justin b.* came over. i hadn't seen him since last september, and he'd just gotten back form a trip to... michagan? i dunno, somewhere where it snowed. maybe minnesota. anwyays. so we chatted and caught up, then david some home and the 3 of us went to a taqueria and had yummy food.

then we came home and played UNO, where i actually won! (i never win games when david is playing. he *always* does.) of course, everytime i play UNO, i am reminded of a certain time when i played the strip variety. good times. so yes, then justin left and david went to bed early, and i watched the last two sex and the city's i had downloaded. that left only the last episode, which i couldn't watch, due to no HBO for us. i'm trying to download that today while i'm work, so hopefully i'll get to see it tonight. yay.

ok, then monday (that's the other half of my weekend), i slept in until about 9:30, then read cosmo in bed. relaxation. :) then i started organizing. i moved books from our little shelf in the computer room onto a nice, big shelf in the living room. i organized all the recipes from our various cooking classes into a binder. i moved all the stuff i want to save on my computer onto the network so david can re-format my computer and i won't lose anything. (it boots up SLOW and sometimes freezes.) then i laid on the couch and watched episodes of season 2 of sex and the city (i have the DVD). needless to say, i watched so much of that show that it was all i dreamt about last night.

when david got home from work, we set off to cooking class, where we made greek food - salad, chicken skewers, and some yogurt/dill/cucumber dish i can't pronounce. plus a lemon creme pie, woo. it was fun. then we came home, cuddled up all cozy like, and basked in the romantic feelings that overswept us. seriously, sometimes i am just overwhelmed by love for this man.

and here i am, back at work, where i was totally busy all morning, and am now eating my lean cuisine and relaxing for lunch. tonight - gym, making dinner for david while he services my computer, and hopefully watching sex and the city, if any of my downloads complete error-free.

and that, my friends, is my life.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
