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100 things

bad day blues / friday five
02/20/04 ~ 10:26 a.m.

i had a bad day yesterday. lots of crying. it started off when i got an email in the morning from a person who loaned me money to pay off that old honda prelude i had. of course, when i stopped paying all my credit cards, i stopped paying him, also. now, when i defaulted on credit cards, i screwed myself. but when i did this, i also screwed another person. it reminded me of all the poor choices i've made financially. just because i *had* to go to UCD, instead of living at home and going to sac state. but had i not gone to UCD... no david. anyways.

it's good the loan guy contacted me now, and not 6 months ago, because i really would have had a breakdown then. but now i have a stable job and means to pay him back. so i wrote this long email detailing the financial troubles i've had these past 2 years and somehow it all got cleared before it was sent. damn IE browser. so i had to leave for work, crying, and i couldn't handle the situation because i didn't have time to re-type it all.

then at work, i ran into a hurdle with becoming a notary. basically boss#1 asked me to become one, and was willing to reimburse me for costs. but i ditched that office, and boss#2 is quite happy to have a notary but is not wanting to reimburse me. that WOULD be fine, because i could make up the $200+ up-front money by charging people $10 per signature. but the brokerage firm doesn't allow us to charge clients. so basically, i paid to provide charity. i really didn't need this news on a day when i was already so fragile.

luckily, david called me on his break to provide love and support, and i cried to him for 10 minutes. after work, he took me out to chinese food, where i ate far too much. then we watched friends together and comforted one another. i am really lucky to have him.

this morning, i wrote a better email to the loan person and i feel in control. i haven't handled the notary situation, but i will see what i can do.

today i am working in the office alone, and enjoying the quiet. i have no plans other than the gym tonight, and i am going to enjoy my free evening as well. i'm not going to enjoy working tomorrow while my baby goes to chinese cooking class, but so it goes.

so here's the

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor?
jan 19, 2004. lovely women's check up thing.

2. ...went to the dentist?
um... 2002? just got dental coverage, so i need to take care of that.

3. ...filled your gas tank?
feb 23, 2004. i fill it about once a week because of my work commute.

4. enough sleep?
feb 15-16, 2004. i not only slept in, as i did the rest of the 3 day weekend, but i went to bed at 9 pm. yay, finally caught up!

5. ...backed up your computer?
huh? um, never. is that a bad thing? (david is gonna shoot me!)

And, last week's:

1. Are you superstitious?
nope. i always think about friday the 13th but i never think something bad's going to happen.

2. What extremes have you heard of someone going to in the name of superstition?
no one i know personally, but didn't someone kill their neighbor's black cat?

3. Believer or not, what's your favorite superstition?
the black cat one. because i love cats, and i think it's silly to think the black ones curse you.

4. Do you believe in luck? If yes, do you have a lucky number/article of clothing/ritual?
yeah, there is such a thing as luck. sometimes you've got it, sometimes you don't. my lucky number, cuz it's my favorite, is 93.

5. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
believe in it? no. like to read it and figure out ways that it's true? hell yes!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
