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in two weeks, i'll only have ONE JOB!
01/24/04 ~ 7:26 a.m.

so, i did it. i put my two weeks notice in to blockbuster.

is it weird that i'm considering taking it back? i don't know, i just feel attachments to things like this and i don't ever want to let them go. maybe that's why i'll be receiving 4 W2's this year? ;P but i need let them go.

for god's sake, i worked 12 hours yesterday, and now i'm up and about to work 8 more. i need the 2 days off a week for my sanity.

oh the things i'll do! i'll scrapbook, for one. hey, maybe the house can be kept clean, too. and i'll be able to be much more regular and consistant about my workouts.

i'm going to make sure to get phone numbers for the employees i'll miss a lot, and i'm sure i'll visit all the time. so they can give me free movies. heh.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
