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100 things

01/21/04 ~ 7:41 a.m.

i'm worn down and it's only wednesday. in fact, it's *my* tuesday at work, since i work saturdays. but it's all those things, you know?

it's having to call my medical insurance company 5 times, going to the docotr and it working, but then trying to fill my prescription, and it NOT working. it's paying over the counter for a pack of birth control pills. it's calling the medical company and finding out that a different company handles prescriptions. it's going back to walgreens and recieving a refund for $3.27 after my insurance covers me! and now, it's having to get my doctor to re-write the prescription so i can do mail order pills because really, that's the only way i save ANY money with my insurance plan.

explain to me WHY if i go to walgreens, my pills will cost $36.26 per pack (getting one at a time) but yet, if i mail order them, it's $20 and i get 3 packs for that price???


so it keeps on. it's trying a new route home from work and getting lost. it's the fact that stop and go traffic wreaks havoc on my knee, and that seems like the stupidest thing to me. why should that put me in so much pain?

i got home and climbed into bed in the dark room. david got home and spooned me. i told him my woes and he held me. then we got up and made a healthy dinner together. and we watched school of rock (due out in march, i think. i have a screener copy). it was enjoyable, and i felt better.

maybe it's getting the w2 in the mail from the company that fired you. that's not fun. maybe it's already being stressed about the busy-ness of this evening (gym after work, then to the mall to use a gift certificate while amber* is at her store - scrap attack - so i can get a discount). then it's home, where i will be starving cuz it will be after 8 pm, and where i will not get on my computer to update. hence the updating now.

to end off, i will do a fun thing. it goes as such: look at your buddy list. take the most recent ten updated pages and paste the last sentence (or 2) here. see what you get!

1. life is just so ridiculous sometimes though. so thats what im going to do.

2. Have a wonderful day!!

3. Ah bum bum. (Yes, I know I've been saying that a lot lately, I think it's nifty.)

4. Not even from our gay House Members. It's such a shame.

5. I'm really not in the mood to write right now either.

6. When does the snot END? *sniff*

7. Too bad it wasn't two pounds in two days, or I could be a walking "unbelieveable diet" advertisement.

8. Maybe someone just needs to anonymously give her a pair of bike shorts?

9. GRRR!!!

10. I think I've said it before, and I know I'll say it again, and I know that everyone else and their dog's best friend's uncle's owner has said it already and will probably continue to do so until the universe expands to the point where it can't anymore and begins collapsing on itself, in which case we'll all hear it one more time when the sound waves travel back the way they came, but I don't care-- I'll say it again: school sucks. (that's ONE sentence!)

peace out, yo.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
