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12/05/03 ~ 2:23 p.m.

in the picture mood, i guess.

so here's a few from last night, at mariah's* house:

mariah and i

mariah, her brother levi, and cameron*

jasmine? no! it's mariah's cat cloe! i swear they are twins!

ok, enough for now.

well, i had an interview at a different brokerage office today. it went well, so we'll see what develops. for right now i have people who want me totalling 3 days a week. so now i just need those other two.

got some xmas presents for david today. :) i think i'm about halfway done with his gifts.

i have 2 hours till i work tonight. i'm gonna watch part of a movie i rented and wrap presents. plus get dressed.

catch ya lata,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
