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the really short of it cuz i'm tired
11/28/03 ~ 2:41 p.m.

so yesterday. thanksgiving. david and i rose at 7, and left at 8. 3 hours later, we were at my uncle's house. we watched football, chatted, more people got there.

i have lots of new baby cousins this year. took some pictures. they were cute when not crying.

had food, did very well with my eating. watched more football. chatted more.

went to see a cousin that wasn't there. came back. watched 28 days later. was good. drove home, arrived at 10:30. the end.

today: went to 90 minute workout class. returned movies. met david for lunch. saw his cubicle and met some coworkers. went to ross, got 2 dresses to possibly wear to his company party thing. he can pick which he likes better. or i can scrutinize more and decide. whatever.

it's now 2:44. i'm home and tired. i work at 6 so i am going to watch pushing tin and maybe nap before i have to leave.



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
