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100 things

i have to work on veteran's day
11/11/03 ~ 10:40 a.m.

i can't believe none of you commmented on how hot brooke* is! you should go back one entry and look again. ;P

last night was lovely. when i got home, i did my yoga DVD (nice and sore today) , and david cooked me dinner. he wouldn't let me look, either. he cooked up chicken breasts with a hint of lemon, mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli. so yummy and so healthy! after we ate, we showered and put on warm clothes. we cuddled up on the coucha nd watched being john malkovich, which i had never seen. it was great and twisted. fully enjoyable. then we went to bed and finished the night off right.

it may have seemed like a mundane evening, but really, it was just the feeling i had. there was so much love in the air. we were just so happy to be home from our workdays and be together, no matter what we were doing.

tonight i get my hair trimmed! i am so stoked. it's been... 8 weeks and 3 days. i'm trying to grow it out, so i'm subscribing to the trim every 8 weeks idea.

i need to spend a little time on my computer tonight catching up on stuff. here's a reminder list for me. people to email: mike, miss chris, raelynn, heather, jenny p., krystal, rick, jen g. other things to do: update exercise page, read diet journals, read book message board, organize pictures folder, print some pictures to frame, scan magazine pics on desk, unpack box of desk stuff and get organized. ok, i'm done boring you.

i'm hungry. it's time to break out the mid-morning snack of baby carrots. then i must get back to work. although i have finished all my tasks for the day, i just have to wait for the boss to come up with stuff for me to do.

have a great day! and if you got the day off, and especially if you got it off PAID, i hate you.



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
