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100 things

fuck the backspace key
06/01/01 ~ 1:34 p.m.

fucking bitch. i did just have like 8 paragraphs written and then i backspaced over a typo and the stupid browser went back a page. that's it, i'm always typing in notepad first.

so i said something about my busy weekend, some stuff about hanging with jenny and having girl time, some stuff about rick being all stupid lately, some stuff about heather... hoping she'll hang out with jenny and mike and i and some other random stuff.

i also said stupid words like wowee zowie and buckaroos. (seventy-two to be exact. for the RENT show).

then i said i'm going back to work, which really means i'm going back to internet surfing. ok bye.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
