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job worries (again, more, etc.)
09/19/03 ~ 10:02 a.m.

ok, i posted the friday five less than an hour ago, but i have more to say now.

firstly, i happened upon an old entry in my diary. this one. it's a really good entry, IMHO. but the best part was, and i quote,

"i know that eventually, i'll be lucky like [heather] and have my roommate be my best friend, my lover, and my soulmate.

that'll be the day."

how amazing is it that i got my wish? how i live with that exact person right now? it is so wonderful, i can't even describe it.

so, said wonderful person just called me. seems his temp job got hit with an ultimatium - and his time will be up in 2 weeks. eep. could our job situation BE any more jumbled?

today i have an interview at 2:30 for a receptionist position. i'm not super excited, but i'll take what i can get, kinda. but i learned from the last experience that i am not a very good receptionist. if all i have to do is answer the phone, i get bored and inevitably start screwing around. and we all know how that turned out last time.

so anyone reading this, can you keep david and i in your thoughts? please send us good job vibes. we're going to need them. badly.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
