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100 things

a job...maybe
09/16/03 ~ 3:11 p.m.

so i've got a weird job thing going on here. they're having me fill in temporarily in the office i want to work in, starting next monday or tuesday. full time hours, all that. then, from there, they *might* hire me on permanantly. but she's interviewED or is invterviewING (not sure which) other people, so it's not in the bag. it's kinda scary, actually.

but better than nothing, i suppose.

in other news, i've met two people from friendster now. i think i talked about sabrina already (i plan to hang out with her again this week), and yesterday i met amber. she works in a local mall, so i just stopped by there and she took a break. she was very nice, upbeat, friendly, and we seem to have things in common. she's married, and they have parties at their house once in a while, so i'm hoping to go to one of those and get to know her better. but yay for friends. and friendster!

i went to the library yesterday, got 3 books. i read one already. just started the second one. wooooooo.

i don't feel like working out right now. maybe after dinner? eh. not going to work and doing the normal schedule thing messes me all up.

well, that's really all that's of note around here. sorry i'm so boring, guys. i'd go cheat on david and sleep with his uncle and femal cousin at the same time, just to stir up scandal... but i don't really want to. i'm happy with the way things are (well, as soon as i get a job, i will be!)

peace out,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
