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can i do today over?
09/11/03 ~ 2:29 p.m.

today is not going great.

i worked out, then sat down and watched a makeover story while inhaling a bag of popcorn. not that i've eaten too much today, just that a bag of popcorn for lunch isn't the most nutritional thing i could have had.

then i fought with my mom. it's basically about my dad/grandparents and how stubborn she is and how if i'm not 100% on her side or i defend anything any of those people do even a little bit, them i'm the bad guy. it made me cry and waste 30 minutes on my cell phone.

then i took a shower and my love called me to cheer me up, cuz he can't be here in person.

then my mom called back, to make sure i was ok, but then we disagreed some more. i gues she's calling again tonight.

and the phone just rang again and i got my hopes all up that it's an interview call, so i ran out there (ooh, cardio) and grabbed it, and it's the fucking fax machine that calls us about 3 times a day. argh. there is no fax at this number. i don't know how to make it stop.

you know, yesterday was much better. i cleaned the house, got stuff done, had my interview, and met a potential new friend. she's from friendster and her name is sabrina. she was very nice, all we did was sit on my couch and chat. she's had an interesting life, teaching in brussels and studying in mexico. she's student teaching here now. she's pretty busy, with teaching, a new boyfriend, and her family, which she's close to.

david's take (he come home while we were hanging out) is that she's a little standoffish. i think she's just quiet, mellow, and maybe a little shy. i hope we hang out again, she's totally my type! heh.

just typing about this made me feel better. i think i'm going to go enjoy some afternoon tv and eat some green beans and an apple to be all healthy-like. catch ya'll later~


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
