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100 things

no friends for holly
08/29/03 ~ 9:43 a.m.


so i did it. i joined friendster. not so much to follow the trend, but because i am FUCKING lonely out here. yes, i love david, but i'm not going to be all dependant on him. i need a pack of girls!

so the email address i'm registered under is [email protected]. and if you really know me, you know my last name, too. cuz who knows? your cousin in austrailia's boyfriend in japan just might know someone in santa rosa that wants to be friends with me.

and yeah, i added some of you guys out there. add me back. i love you.


so my dilemma as of late (well, besides the money thing) is that i have no friends nearby. i can't say i have no friends because i do. just check my cast page. but the closest one (brooke*) lives an hour away.

i want to make friends. that was part of signing up for classes at the junior college -- it should be a way to meet people. but, as david points out, i'm not using it as a tool.

there are two things holding me back. one - i look at these trendy girls in their midriff tops and know that they're not the type that want to hang out with me. two - i think that i must be the biggest dork in the class and no one would want to hang out with me.

i'm not a shy person, really. but i have that fear of rejection here... i don't want to be friend-rejected. so that's holding me back, and i haven't even really talked to anyone in the class at all. i never tell them my name. i don't ask their names. they probably know me as "that chick with the boyfriend" since david and i are the only couple in the class.

david has a different problem. he's worried any girl he's being chatty with thinks that he's hitting on them. but really, he's looking out for me. he's trying to meet them and find out which ones are "our type of people" so that i can make friends. sigh.

david also thinks i should be trying to hang out with gwen more. she's nice... i am just worried that she's a lot trendier than i am. well, i KNOW that she's triendier. she is really nice though, and we share the same interests in tv shows. i'm going to invited her to watch sex and the city with me on sunday. we'll see how that goes. i'm just not into the clubbing in SF scene that i know she is.

i'm ok with not being cool. i'm a dork, homebody, nerd, etc. that's fine with me. and since i know that, it's just not worth it to make super trendy friends because we won't have the same interests.

sigh. maybe i should put up an online personal ad for friends? i'm so pathetic.

moving on...

1. Are you going to school this year?
yes and no. i am done with school in general, but i'm taking some cooking classes for fun.

2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate?
santa rosa junior college... and as most of you know, i graduated from UC davis in june.

3. What are/were your favorite school subjects?
computer science classes, english classes, french class.

4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects?
history. i've always hated it with a passion.

5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite?
mme. berard, my high school french teacher. she was not only pretty cool, she was a nice person outside of school. she actually helped me with a few personal problems and even offered to let me live with her when my family was moving away. that was so wonderful of her.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
