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100 things

in list form
08/27/03 ~ 2:11 p.m.

1. people are coming over to our house to play a drinking game on friday. if you know me, and live close by, come on over!

2. jasmine has been throwing up a lot.

3. work is boring.

4. i lost 3 pounds this week. i've now lost 55 total.

5. tuna is good for you! i had forgotten about it! i have now been reaquainted.

6. yay from erin on for love or money 2. she got rid of the guy i hate 2 weeks ago, and she made a good choice this week too. i'm rooting for chad.

7. weight loss blogs are getting tons of attention. the new york times even paid attention! mine wasn't mentioned, cuz i'm not famous enough, but it's still a good article.

8. i'm late for being back from lunch. adios!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
