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100 things

all about my face
04/08/03 ~ 1:33 p.m.

I always end up writing longer, more thoughtful diary entries when I type them at work. They also end up capitalized correctly, but it's not my fault! Word 2000 does it. Grrrr.

So, I've been having issues with the skin on my face. I have really oily skin normally. Very prone to breakouts. I never wear makeup, half because it only makes the breakouts worse (the other half is because I'm lazy). Well, since I started swimming in the chlorine on a regular basis, my skin is drying up a little. Good, right? Less pimples. Well, yes... but they still manage to pop up. So at night I used a benzyl peroxide cream. The combination of these two things makes my skin so dry it hurts! So during the day I use Oil of Olay lotion. But then my face is shiny, and red cuz it's been hurting. AND sunburned to boot. So I have to use translucent powder. Which pulls me full circle, having a "face routine" and wearing makeup! Grrrr. Is it too much to ask to just have clearer skin? Really. (and as I mentioned yesterday, if I happen to miss a spot, like the underside of my nose, never fear! A pimple WILL form there.)

Alright, enough with the girly issues. More with the whining though... I'm so tired. But the sad thing is, I'm not tired because I was out all night partying or even studying. I went to bed at 11, and couldn't drag myself out of bed till 8 am. I have dark circles under my eyes. I'm yawning at my desk. I am turning into an OLD LADY. I was never really a twenty-something, a co-ed, or a college student with the sleeping schedule I keep, but I'm getting worse. Rising by 8 am every day? What is WRONG with me?

So today is my non-swim day. I am keeping a schedule of 5 days of swimming a week, (MWF and the weekends). Today I get to do strength training, I think I'll skip the videos and just do some weights in the weight room. Gotta mix some of that in with the cardio so that when this fat melts away I have a firm bod underneath!

Yesterday at swim practice I got a blast from the past - I girl I swam with when I was 15, before I moved to Livermore, and swam with again when I was 18/19 (until I quit.) She joined the Davis swim team yesterday! She's been in Davis for a year and hasn't swam for awhile, like me. Very, very weird. I find repeatedly that no matter how many years I separate myself from the swimming community, just going back once will bring forth familiar faces. Like a cult or something.

Nothing else to report. David - good. School - fine, got many homework assignments due Friday. Kitty - good. Bird - still annoying, but good. Jeannine - good, but baking too many sweets to tempt me with. Family - who knows, haven't talked to them in weeks. Oops. Signing off,


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
