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100 things

the stars know what's going on
02/11/03 ~ 9:00 a.m.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTINE*!!!!! she's 21! wooooooooo.

krystal* is my lifesaver. or, shall we say, job saver. she lent me her car today. i am lucky to have such great friends.

my horroscope yesterday in the aggie:

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 � Dec. 21) You�re feeling good about the choices that you have made recently. You are on the verge of a personal breakthrough, so make sure that you keep it to yourself. You will need some time to sort out all the details. Relationships and communication will be the focus, for the next several weeks. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Keep an upbeat mood and see others transform. You�re a healing force to be clearly expressed.

wow. pretty damn accurate. that happens sometimes.

me = tired. david stayed up on his computer, light on, typing away, till almost 11. i was annoyed cuz i am the one who has to be to work at 8 am. i know that seems like enough sleep to most people, but it really isn't for me. i don't sleep that deeply, so i need to sleep longer. plus i remember my dreams frequently. ozzie was in my dream last night. i don't even watch the osbournes. don't know where that came from.

back to work. blah.


p.s. i got googled for "holly hump." i come in 6th. hee.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
