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100 things

my thoughts at the moment
01/23/03 ~ 8:21 a.m.

1. fake bacon is in no way a good substitute for real bacon.

2. muscles get very sore when you exercise them a lot.

3. dawson's creek just keeps going downhill.

4. that avril is a pretty cool chick. i've been listening to her cd a lot. so, maybe her producer guys wrote all the songs, and her image is all hard core and fake, but i still find pleasure in listening.

5. i don't understand how in an office of like 100 people, with cusomers coming in, that the public bathroom with 1 toilet is always empty when i go in. i'm sure that can't stay true.

6. mornings suck.

7. homework was surely invented by the devil. i can't wait till school is done, and i may work all day, but i can then go home and do the things *i* want to do.

8. this desk doesn't look like a good place to sleep. hmm. maybe i should try anyways?

9. my hair never gets as curly as i want it to when i try to scrunch it. but then again, it's never really straight.

10. waaaaaaah. people, sign up for MSN messenger, then add [email protected] to it, and chat with me!! i like to chat at work.

that is all for this morning.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
