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weight issues
01/22/03 ~ 12:11 p.m.

this may logically belong more in the weight loss diary, but it's affecting my mood today so it goes in here.

i'm depressed. and frustrated. i've been journalling what i eat. i've done great every day this whole week. i've also exercised every day. i was excited to weigh today, after staying off the scale for a week.

i gained a pound.

there are some theories, like the TOM or starting weightlifting may have affected things, but still. WTF. if i do everything right and i'm still and a losing standstill than it's almost like, what's the point???

it's really bothering me today and i'm having trouble concentrating on things i need to do . thank god i finished my essays last night and wasn't going to try to cram to do them now. it wouldn't happen. as it is, the programs i have to do for monday still aren't started. grrr.

i hate this. it's VERY VERY hard for me. and i've been following everything, by the book. healthy foods, portion control, no snacking, lots of water, only diet soda... i'm making a huge effort here! but i haven't lost since mid-december.

i don't know what else to say. on my forums, we talk about how we're (we being 'fat people') not stupid. we know we need to eat less, exercise more, what portion size is. and when we don't, and we gain weight, we know we need to stop making excuses. and it's still hard to do.

but when you don't make the excuses, you do all the hard work, and there's no payoff, what then?

i really don't know.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
