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100 things

windy, blustery day
05/02/01 ~ 11:42 a.m.

i hate wind. it is waaaay to windy today.

and my hair is too long. at least i am getting it cut friday. i may chop it almost to my shoulders cuz it is pissing me off.

so my friend jeffy and i are planning a road trip. two of our friends go to UC Santa Barbara and both jeffy and i have never visited that town. so we want to truck it down there some weekend. but the jeffy and i are having scheduling conflicts between ourselves, never mind that amy and evan haven't gotten back to us. grrr. i hope we can visit in summer. if not, maybe we'll go next fall. that's actually a pretty good idea, cuz then jeffy and i will be on the same school schedule.

i want to upload pictures but i don't want to pay for a gold membership cuz i am cheap.

this saturday is national scrapbooking day! i am spending cinco de mayo scrapbooking. but there is a chef there who will cook us mexican food. yay. plus i would love to be caught up on my pictures. speaking of which, i need to print some off of ned's page.

tonight is dawson's night! heather (my new roommate) was going to come, but she has homework. i'm seeing her on friday anyways, we're going back to the apartments to sign the lease and all that rot. then her, carly, her boyfriend, and i are having dinner together at her house. then carly and i are going to the 2nd softball game and then maybe to a foam rave thing that night. with stefanie. remember her? see the cast page.

ok, that's all for now. see y'all around (am i in georgia? ok.)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
