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100 things

im not in the real world, more of a fake one
01/13/03 ~ 4:09 p.m.

well, i did cry a little. it ended up being about money. but i don't know that that was what was bothering me. who knows.

david was so supportive today. i got lots of hugs, when i needed them. he must have told me he loved me at least 3 times, just out of the blue. and he laid with me when i was trying not to cry. he's my angel.

so, i'm a little sad that i didn't make it into the cast of real world: diaryland, but hey. how was i going to have time for it anyways? so i'm still going to have fun watching how it plays out. it's a new favorite diary of mine. =)

ok, back to emailing david about dinner until i go to my last class. ta,


p.s. i feel much better now than i did earlier. all it takes is love.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
