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david is singing a silly song right now
09/16/02 ~ 11:58 a.m.

yay, someone finally read david's diary and signed his guestbook, like you all should do. amy rules.

well, our "weekend away" has been going well. today counts cuz i don't have to work. we've been getting important things done, like taking my car to the shop, going through boxes, adding david to the lease, laundry (it's ALL done!), grocery shopping, etc. we have some more things on the list, such as organize our finances, dye my hair, clean the bathroom, clean litter box, and i don't know what else. no worries, we're making sure to be lazy in between. there's been much tetris playing, cuddling, and guitar.

so, my mom is now aware of my cohabitation arrangement. she doesn't approve, and thinks we're living in sin, but she's not judging and she's not treating me any differently. that's basically all i could have hoped for with her. she's quite religious and proper.

dude! i have lost 5 pounds now! i know that's not a lot, and i have many more 5 pound increments to go, but i can see it working. yay. and david's gone up the slightest bit. (not 5 pounds though, hee hee).

david and i made our first friends as a couple. you know, the type of friends that aren't mine or his, but ours. we met elly in the workout room, and decided to invite her over. elly is really sweet, and her and i are on the same page with the weight loss thing. she lives in our complex with her boyfriend, tim. he's kinda quiet, nice, and pretty cute too. we cooked chicken dinner and played trivial pursuit on friday.

i do miss jenn. i still haven't heard from her, but i'm waiting for her to do whatever she needs to. i hope she gets things figured out, and realizes what she's missing.

this week is going to be a nice, lazy one. i work tuesday and thursday, and that's all. thursday night i have a meeting for the women in engineering (WIE) retreat. then i'm going on the retreat all weekend.

toodles kids,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
