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100 things

baby you can drive my car....
08/31/02 ~ 10:10 p.m.

this is SO true.

david and his dad got the car running. yay! it was a lot of work, they were outside all day. i entertained his mom and sister. we watched bring it on and i took silver swimming.

before lunch, adam randomly showed up at my door. seems he was taking a walk, "thinking." fucking wonderful timing, huh? let's have adam, the guy i supposedly act kinda wierd around since i used to crush on him, show up when my boyfriend's entire family is there, for NO reason. i mean, he's my friend, and that's cool and all, just... argh. whatever.

krystal also stopped by. she gave me some curlers. =) yay! david and i are going to the fair with her and steven.

well, annie, you got the uti, and i got the other feminine itch. ouchy. at least it doesn't hurt for me to pee. ha ha.

and that's where i will close this entry. with the itchiness. g'night.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
