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100 things

clean house
08/31/02 ~ 11:07 a.m.

my house is scrubbed. vaccumed. organized. CLEAN. and ready for david's parents to arrive.

there's nothing like guests to make your house clean!

i drank my slim fast (being a good girl), curled my hair under, and now i am sitting at my computer like usual, waiting for the call saying they are on their way over.

i am chatting with my darling jenny. she's having some troubles out there in indiana and i wish i could hug her sooooo much. but she's strong and she's doing all the right things. i know it will be great, and she'll be home in october for a visit! that's right around the corner.

i had to sleep without my boy last night. (oh, poor me, right?) so i cuddled a pillow. i slept pretty well, but i'm still tired. i should have slept in more this morning, but i needed to make sure the cleaning got done.

ok, i'm gonna do some work on r-e-v-i-e-w now, lots of people are wanting to be reviewers, which is great! =)

check ya later,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
