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100 things

coundown... 3 days
04/03/01 ~ 12:09 p.m.

hmm, it's been a little bit. i guess that's cuz not much has happened. anyways, who out there has seen the friends episode where rachel is dating "russ"? i haven't, but carly told me about it after this situation:

rick and i email back and forth while i'm at work. well he was supposed to call me sunday to "get things off his chest" or whatever, and he never did. so i asked him about it and he said, "sorry i was on a date." so of course i go and get all the info i can. basically i got this out of him: she has blond hair, blue eyes, and her name is HEIDI. ha ha. he couldn't get the parallel of me if he tried. i thought it was funny. i guess he picked her up in a mall. ewwww.

so now he feels it's better not to discuss what was on his mind before. weirdo.

i leave for georgia on friday! i will be on a plane in exactly 3 days. and i am SO getting to meet my pen pal that i've been writing to since 4th grade. it was an assignment at school, and we've kept writing every since. she's driving up the 6 hours to meet me! it's gonna be great.

ned's being ok lately. not super sweet like he should be, but nice enough. good conversation.

i am meeting 2 people when i get back from GA as potential roommates. wish me luck!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
