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100 things

03/23/01 ~ 11:12 a.m.

ok, i'm not a moody person generally. in fact, i don't even get bitchy around that time of the month. but last night i was in a yucky mood. i called ned to let him know that rick is coming to stay with me this weekend. you know, to tell him before it happens, that sort of thing. i know i'd want to know if sam was going to visit him. but he didn't care. that bugged a little. i want him to care, but to trust me.

then later, i was online and i was in a gloomy, needing to be reassured that i'm special mood. and i just wasn't getting it from him. in fact, after i said some mopey things to him, i even said "now's when you say something nice to me" and he said "something nice". so i've been wigging out about him not caring about me or missing me and stuff. but then when i got to work today and i realized what day of the month it is... damn, i got struck by the pms bug and didn't even know it. now that i know, i'll still be mopey but at least i know why.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
