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100 things

all this bad news
06/07/02 ~ 12 p.m.

well, david just left. he helped me with my program, we had dinner, recounted some events, etc. he's a little weak, but basically recovered. he's amazed i wasn't mad about the pee, and basically told me that he really trusts me now and thanked me for taking him there.

on an even MORE sober note... mike's mom passed away today. every time i think about it, i just want to cry. i haven't met her, but it doesn't matter. if my mom died, i'd be unable to function for awile, i know that. he's home with his dad and little brothers and sisters for an indefinate amount of time. everyone, even though you don't know him, keep him in your thoughts.

other stuff about the hospital visit -- the lab tech guy that helped the RN was the same guy who gave me my leg immobilizer. he remembered me, so we chatted a lot while i was there. he's pretty cool (and cute, hee) so that was fun.

i don't even know how the concert tomorrow is going to go down. PLEASE think good thoughts. my brother better be playing or i'm gonna have a lot of people mad at me!

tomorrow is the last day of my first year of classes. wow. finals next week, then FRANCE AND AMSTERDAM AND BOBBI JO!!!! i'm not excited or anything. =)

otay. tiem to handle some neopets stuff and then head to bed. nite...


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
