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100 things

blast from the past
06/01/02 ~ 7:02 p.m.

i just got some interesting mail -- one of those letters you write yourself in high school to get 4 years later. guess i should be graduating about now, huh? sigh. i'm pretty much the same person (the letter was even sealed with star stickers!), but i found a few key things interesting:

!. i said "hey, you're 21! bet you're still the designated driver. no drinks for you." ha ha HA. i got drunk ON my birthday!!

2. i talked about rick a lot. he was still dating hoochie heather. i could have never dreamt he would be married. and sue, i mentioned joe in the letter. remind me to tell you about it!

3. i talked about danny young. funny that i have a class with him again.

4. lastly, the best part is, i said "i hope you're at davis, doing either computer science or computer engineering." isn't it cool that i stuck to that?

so for the past few days, i haven't said much about what's been going on. sowwy. i'm gonna make up for it right now.

thursday night i gave the quick rundown, but i had a really great time at sudwerks with jenny, andy, shelley, and jeannine. i am very happy about everything.

last night, the DMS concert got all messed up. taylor was in sacramento with the equiptment and val's keys got locked in the car. so adam tried to get cafe roma to let us borrow their stuff. meanwhile, i'm at the venue, meeting people i don't know. adam got carl's roommate walter to get some of carl's stuff but it wasn't enough. SO the show got cancelled. i ended up getting guadelehara burritos with walter, and chilling at his house with carl and taylor (who eventually got home) until late in the night. it was fun! as i've said before, i like hanging out with new groups of people. its a refreshing change.

i got up today around noon, and heather and i spent the day together. it was great, i feel like she likes me again =). well, she always has, it's just been that she's not been talking to me much. we went to togos, and to old navy (bad holly! spending money!!), and cleaned out our closets of old stuff, and got our eyebrows done and she got her hair cut. now we're leaving in a few to go pick up travers for dinner. tomorrow -- i'm having lunch with jenny, just the two of us. lovely. then we're going to see about a boy, since we've both read the book. yayness.

love ya,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
