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100 things

back to boring
01/04/01 ~ 3:28 pm

so the past couple days have been normal and boring. i think i'm gonna like it that way. tuesday, wednesday, and today i have worked 8-5. tuesday night i skipped swing and carly came over cuz she was upset, as usual. seems greg's new year's resolution is to never see her again. wow.

i also got to talk to ned on tuesday. i was at his house feeding the dog and getting mail and noticed that there was mail from georgia tech, the school he is going to, and knew it could be important. i thought that if i could possibly get a message to his sister (who lives in georgia) that he would eventually get it. i called samantha to see if she had ned's sister's phone number, but no. so then i called 411 and georgia's 555-1212 to get it. i wasn't sure i had the right number but i left a message on the machine anyways, and sure enough, when i got home, ned called because he was at her house. we talked for about 40 minutes. i told him about how everyone keeps asking if i'm ok, and he asked if i really *am* ok. (i am, by the way). he said that he misses me 'some' and i said 'some?' and he said, i'm a guy i can't be too sentimental. so i thought that was good enough. then i was talking about how his spring break in march isn't that far away and he said, "are you going to wait for me?" and i said "maybe" and he said "or are you going to let some hunk c.s. major sweep you off your feet?" and i said "if the chance comes up..." but i think he was serious. now that he's gone, i realize how much more i like him than i let myself believe. and i *really* want to visit him too. flying out to georgia would be very cool.

yesterday i hung out with myself, did some laundry, and organized my scrapbooking. i have buttloads to do after this trip! plus i have my birthday, jeffy's party, new years, christmas, and part of halloween left. that's what i'm doing this weekend!

adios, my friends. back to work.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
