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ooooh! i'm buuuuuusted!
10/18/01 ~ 10:46 p.m.

yep. holly's in trouble. in a big way.

my internet usage at work has been found out, not liked, and i've been severely reprimanded for it. i got an official "verbal warning" and was "reminded" that they did fire someone in the other office for internet usage. granted, she was looking at what they said were "inappropriate sites", when all i use is diaryland and hotmail, so i got only a warning.

i also got the piece of information showing that i had used (i think in the last month or something) 6 times the amount of megabytes that our company deems the reasonable limit. not only that, in our office, i was the big winner for the worst offender. there are others that got reprimanded too, so it's not just me, but damn.

i felt so guilty. there was nothing i could do. i apologized profusely and did plead the case that i keep it open most of the day without using it. but i *do* check my email obsessively and make diaryland templates and write a few entries and read 20 people's diaries and write non-stop emails back and forth to rick.... i felt like i had let them all down when they discovered what i really do with my time. i started crying a little. i tried so hard not to, and i cleaned up as fast as possible. they're not going to fire me, they gave me hugs, and it's over with.

i requested that they remove the internet access from my computer. because it's like an addiction. i might stay away from it for fear of being fired for a little while, but inevitably, i will be back on it. and being fired is that last thing i need right now.

in other news, i have decided i don't really want to go to yosemite this weekend, and so i am making up a story about my car breaking down in hopes that i will get my money (or at least some of it) reimbursed. wish me luck.

it's 10:53 p.m. i am sitting at my computer, poised to write an essay on women's history that is due tomorrow, which i haven't started. but instead, i am making sure all my business of email and diaryland are handled before starting. (this was my attitude at work. if i had pending emails, how was i supposed to be productive??) i got exciting email from jackson and a great guestbook entry from lisse. i read all my dailies. i'm chatting with jeffy. i applied for a job i found on the uc davis jobs page. and now, after i finish this entry, i'm going to write my essay.

i swear.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
