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100 things

school stuff
03/30/05 ~ 12:19 p.m.

i just applied to take my first online course at the school i'm going to take the dietitics program. woo. it's "careers in dietetics and nutrition" and there is no corresponding course at my junior college, so it must be taken from them. it's only a may - june course. good times.

glad i just remembered to check that out. gotta be on top of these thigns! there's nothing i can take in the summer from the JC, but maybe from them? i don't necissarily need to take summer courses, but i'm just so nervous that i won't get all of the classes i need to take in time and then i'll have to wait until fall 2007 to start the program. i want to start in 06!!

anyways, it feels good to make progress on your goals.

hump day
03/30/05 ~ 11:17 a.m.

apparantly, it's a grouchy boss day. it's so random. but it always makes me paranoid that i did something wrong. like, was i too messy yesterday? or did i not fill out a form correctly? but it's not me 99% of the time, she's just got mood swings. at least she's at an out-of-office appointment now.

david and i did not set up our cute IKEA desks last night. i hurt my leg while running, and after icing it and eating dinner, it's was 8:30 and i still wasn't up for it. so we watched sunday's desperate housewives instead. heh. the plan is to try again tonight. i'm going to lift weights for about 30 min after work, but then i'll grab takeout and get home by 6:45ish. i'll unplug all of our current computer stuff cuz david can't do the dusty work. i'll vaccuum under there, too. david should get home around 7:30ish from karate and we'll begin assembly. hammers and screwdrivers included. hopefully it will turn out successfully.

in other news, i am happy that the sun has decided to make a small appearance, however, i request that next time it brings it's warmth along. it's still friggin cold outside. well, as cold as CA gets. but still. my hands? freezing.

peace out, suckas.


2004: we're hoping that by then, he might be in another department because IT is starting to show some interest in him, which would be awesome.
2003: i dyed my hair "light brown" last night. [pictures]
2002: now i am showered, shaved, dressed, and ready for a long day of cleaning.
2001: i'm going to the guster concert tonight with jeffy.

van gogh
03/30/05 ~ 7:30 a.m.

like i said, i wouldn't know anything if it weren't for google. happy birthday van gogh! i love his artwork, i have some prints of it but david got so sick of it, they're not hanging up now. but they will again someday. ;)

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
