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100 things

bitch-ass library
02/14/05 ~ 1:43 p.m.

i just spent my lunch (half) hour sitting in the library, waiting for a computer to check my email.

damn you, missionaries in your white shirts and ties, damn you, guy in headphones and flannel, damn you, lady playing tai pai.

damn you all to hell!

now i'm back at work and grumpy.

also, a v-day image
02/14/05 ~ 11:09 a.m.

<3 google. :)

valentine's day is nice, no matter what
02/14/05 ~ 11:07 a.m.

today at work has been... interesting. leanne's been sick a lot (today it's a sinus infection) but still working. or rather, spinning her wheels and doing things like coming in at noon for her 10am appointment on saturday, then calling them and rescheduling them at a time when someone else is coming in. and that someone else has already been rescheduled once, also due to leanne's mistake making. now i have to fix that mess somehow. sigh.

but! it's valentine's day! i've always liked this holiday. in fact, i can't remember being bitter about it, even when i was single. cuz i like hearts and flowers and also, conversation hearts. mmm. but i would give my friends gifts and i was cool with it. but i could see how if you're not happy being single, this holiday could blow cuz it's so IN YOUR FACE... "HELLO WTF ARE YOU SINGLE IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU" and that's not very nice. but hopefully all of you have a reason to be happy today.

i am happy because i dressed the part in a pink work shirt, a heart necklace, a heart pin on my pea coat, and two different heart socks. woo.

tonight i am going to make david dinner while he's at karate. i want to make a steak of some kind, because that will be a treat. we never eat them, but we also don't know how to cook them. so i brought my cookbook to work to figure something out, and i'll hit up the store on the way home. i'm going to go all cheesy with candles and sparkling cider, too. i gave him a goofy gift this morning - one of those dancing hamsters. it's dressed as cupid and sings "that's amore." hee hee. it made him laugh, which was the intent.

he's planning the after-dinner event, which i will probably be going out for ice cream. we're going slightly low-key about the whole thing, it being a monday and all. plus, david randomly went all out last thursday - got me flowers and a bunny rabbit and caramel apple cider and put them in a trail to the bedroom, it was wonderful and i totally melted. plus it wasn't forced because of a hallmark holiday. so although i'm super cheesy and can't let today go by without a simple acknowledgement that yes, we love each other today just as much as every other day... at least i can allow it to be simple. sort of. we'll see if i thought it was simple after destroying steak dinner. ;)

ok, t minus 6 hours (until i'm off work.) please let it go by quickly!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
