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home sick
12/28/04 ~ 3:09 p.m.

i am home sick today, as predicited, but the twist is that i'm really quite sick.

i awoke with a POUNDING headache. so i took some asprin and got in the shower with david, but ended up having to jump out of the shower with conditioner still in my hair because i thought i was going to puke. i didn't, luckily. so i called in and then laid down. i fell asleep for another 3 hours and awoke around 10. i drug myself out to the couch and started watching my downloaded episodes of the oc. the headache would NOT GO AWAY, so i decided i needed to give in to stronger drugs. so i ate a burrito, took a vikadin, and watched 4 complete episodes. and yet, i still feel weak and the headache is NOT GONE. i just can't handle this, and i think i'm going to go lie down again.

on a good note, sex and the city: season six, part two was released today! yay. i saw them on my computer, but it will be fun to watch them all in a row on DVD. i plan on watching them with mariah, she'll come here because i'm still in PJs and i don't want to drive. bleh.

maybe i'll put up christmas pictures tomorrow, if i feel up to it.

peace out, yo.


two years ago: as much as i'd like to think i'm an easy girlfriend and everything, sometimes i take an emotional toll on him.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
