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who updates every day during christmas?
12/28/02 ~ 9:11 p.m.

i haven't been keeping up with this well. it's christmastime! cut me some slack.

well, that's what i was saying about my eating, too. i didn't so so great (but not THAT terrible either, i think) with all the christmas meals. david mentioned it, i was on my period, hadn't taken celexa, and sick. hence, i cried and was horrible. as much as i'd like to think i'm an easy girlfriend and everything, sometimes i take an emotional toll on him. then i feel bad and i cry even more. we're ok though. me crying and him holding me is seriously as bad as a fight gets.

so where did i leave off? i guess i can give you the super quick version of all my christmas happenings.

** first, i caught a terrible cold. i was sneezing up a storm, blowing my nose every few minutes, very very cute. **

1. we drove to santa rosa, exchanged gifts with david's parents. we each got a sweater and a set of matching dishes (you know, in case anything happens, we each have our own set. his mom actually said that. grr.)

2. we went to his mom's side of the family. besides david's younger sister, we were the youngest people there. i hobnobbed with the aunts and uncles, and talked a lot to david's grandpa, whose focus in life is that he's dying. seriously. i kept getting him to talk about the past, so that cheered him up.

3. david's mom was getting sick (she's a hypochondriac) so we left and they went home. she started having seizures and such. not fun. david, silver and i went to his dad's side of the family while his dad tended to his mom. his dad joined us later for full-on pandemonium dinner. we had macaroni salad and ham with david's aunt and her 9 kids. yes. 9. from ages 3-16. oh, the craziness. makes me glad david and i have decided on pets, not kids.

4. went home. day after christmas, we got up and made 8 billion devilled eggs to take to my mom's house. we spent a long time there. david got to meet my grandparents, my aunt and ucle, my step-grandpa's daugher and her 2 kids (who i supposedly met when i was like 5, but i didn't remember them) my cousin stanley's 2 kids (but not stanley) and my other cousin brent. after the 9 kids, these two seemed like little angels.

5. yesterday and today were spent at my mom's friend's house. david is such a saint for coming with. made it a lot less boring. and he was there to hold me while i cried. but yeah. we had dinner, and watched a lot of movies. i read harry potter upstars instead. than david and i fell asleep, only to be woken up and moved cuz it's not appropriate for the two of us to sleep in the same bed. *sigh* we LIVE together, people. and i slept horribly due to my awful, awful cold.

6. we got home and took a nap. woke up and ate dinner. and now, we are going to watch an illegal downloaded copy of LOTR2 on his cpmputer. adieu.

** and yes, i took pictures at all of these events. hopefully i'll put them up in a week or so. **

if i had more time, i'd write about my cousin brent's jobs, plans for new years in livermore, and much more. guess that's for tomorrow.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
