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my birthday: ALL WEEKEND!
12/13/04 ~ 1:28 p.m.

yikes. so the birthday weekend was fun-filled, and by FILLED i mean no time to update! but i guess that's a good thing.

first off, i got a TON of birthday wishes! i got FOUR e-cards, a few birthday calls and a few real cards in the mail. yay! i really have a ton of awesome people in my life.

sooooooooo, here goes a long winded account of my activities from friday through today. and there will be pictures. c'mon guys, you know me!

friday night - poker at tim's house
there were two no limit tournaments. i played decently in the first one, only to be knocked out by tim, who was who was having all kinds of luck. in fact, all players but ONE were knocked out by him in that go-around. luckily, my sweetie came in second and thus in the money. in the second tournament, i feel like i played craptastically. i was the first one out because i made a rather rash decision with a pair of queens and was not scared of the ace on the flop. chus took me down. my only real regret of the night was not being able to socalize much with the non-poker players, specifically phil and laura. i was excited to see them, but alas, was chained to my table. i also barely saw audrey, but i did manage a brief converasation with alison after being knocked out of the second game. sidenote: i drank quite a bit of coconut rum & diet coke, but really didn't feel it. bummer. we got home around 1 am.

saturday morning - black belt testing
we arose at the early hour of 7 to get showered and leave for sacramento. our good friend justin b. teaches at a kovar's karate, and they were administering a black belt test. david is interested in starting a martial art, so we went to check the scene out. david stayed there all day, but i left at 11 to have lunch with my grandparents, so i could feel less guilty about borrowing money for my dental issues. meanwhile, i got a message that jeannine had already left for my house... but WE hadn't! i made a few calls, and luckily, sabrina was kind enough to drop by my house and leave a note for jeannine to sneak in around the back. whew. i got back at the karate center just in time to catch the last exhibitions by the 3rd and 4th degree black belts, which was super awesome. sadly, i didn't get to see beverly because she had a difficult medical procedure the day before and was home resting. she and justin had to cancel on my birthday plans because of it. david and i left for home at 3 pm. when we were almost home, i got a call from brooke and robert... who were two cars away! hahaha. what timing.

saturday night - birthday festivities!
mariah joined us at the house pre-dinner. the bunch of us exchanged gifts - birthday for me, and also christmas for some of them, because i likely won't see them all again before the new year. i got some awesome loot - sex and the city shirt from brooke, sex and the city trivia from mariah, and a cosmo making kit from jeannine. see the theme? :) robert got me the jersey girl dvd, plus brooke threw in a target gift card and jeannine gave me a star candle holder as my christmas gift. lovely.

we headed over to chevy's, where we were met up with by sabrina and kat, amber and beto, and also chris. i got some more presents (gift cards and candy). amber is 7 months pregnant, and i hadn't seen her belly yet! so exciting. she's my first friend to be pregnant, and it's just a trip. from there, i remember ordering a HUGE prickly pear margarita:

then came food and chips and lots of talking. i felt like i couldn't talk to everyone! but then i drank a strawberry dacqueri and then a second large prickly pear margarita. i was laughing and talking and everyone was getting a kick out of such a rare sight - the drunk holly. in my drunken state, i do remember getting to feel the baby's heartbeat and also some big kicks. i was amazed. here's amber and i, but you can't see her tummy:

next thing i knew, there was ice cream, a sombrero, and everyone singing! woo hoo! drunk holly is a big ham, so i sucked up all the attention:

after that, amber, beto, and chris had to bail, but the rest of us decided to go bowling. i realized that poor amy, justine, and gabe had called my cell phone 4 times because they were in town, but drunk me wasn't paying attention to my phone. so i called them back (the conversation -- amy: "hey holly, we're here!" me: "I'M DRUNK! WOO!") and i think it was david who managed to give them directions to the bowling alley. there, sabrina gave me her gift (socks, stickers, a coffee mug and a magnet) and then let me know that she'd been feeling kind of sick for a few hours, and was going to go home. but before she could leave, she was struck with the flu in the nasty bowling bathrooms. UGH. i felt so bad for her. so she and kat left. this left 9 people to bowl: me, david, mariah, jeannine, brooke, robert, amy, justine, and gabe.

we took 3 lanes and proceeded to suck. amy had the highest score of 97, and DRUNK HOLLY got the lowest (no surprise there!) of 45. wow. that's some shitty bowling. the we headed back to my place, where brooke and robert said adios (they had a hour drive home) and the remaining 7 started to play balderdash, but somehow ended up playing dance dance revolution instead:

amy and justine loved the game, despite having little to no rythmn. they vastly improved with practice though, and by the next morning were passing songs. david is a show off though, so he was showing us all how it's done:

mariah went home and we finally all went to sleep sometime after midnight (drunk holly exclaims at 12:01: "MY BIRTHDAY!!! WOOOOO!!!"), and i took some asprin and water, tried to ingore the shakes, and succeeded in falling asleep before needing to puke. so there was no puking and no hangover. yay me.

sunday morning - breakfast
shortly after waking up, the dance dance revolution began. i managed to pull everyone away from the xbox around 11 am, and we went to ihop. mmmm, greasy breakfast. we told riddles, talked about super powers, and generally had fun despite poor restaurant service. the food was good, though. afterwards, i had to say bye to amy, j, and gabe. we took a farwell photo and then they left:

the remaining three (me, david, and jeannine) hung around the mall a bit and then she left town as well. she lives 2 hours away, so i suppose she had to. ;) david and i took the opportunity for some alone time (*wink*) and then a tiny bit of downtime at home before "my birthday: continued" began.

sunday night - my birthday: continued
lucky girl that i am, my wonderful boyfriend took me out for a second dinner with just us. we had a yummy feast at red lobster, where i also got free ice cream and a hat (this time not a sombrero). david even sang to me. :) then we went and saw the movie of my choice: ocean's 12, which i thought was funny and a great sequel. we got home at 11pm, and were snoozing within minutes.

today - monday
this morning, i woke up feeling like i needed another weekend day to just RELAX, you know? but, that was not the case, so now i'm at work. our computers were down for the first hour, and i was busybusybusy after that. i'm about to eat my red lobster leftovers at my desk, since i'm not leaving for lunch, but instead leaving at 2pm for my cavity/possibly root canal appointment. BLAH. i found out it's $40 for some nitrous oxide, so i'm going to look into that option for calming my nerves.

alrighty, hope you made it through all of that. now everyone, cross your fingers and keep repeating the mantra "no root canal, no root canal" for me. thanks!


one year ago: 12th - i got the most random, but nice, birthday surprise this morning! a phone call from my dad. MY dad. amazing.
13th - yes, he knit that from scratch.

two years ago: 11th - i never really did the hickey thing back in high school, so i feel all scandalous. but really, i'm just being infantile. 12th - i got roses from david. my first honest to goodness roses from a guy. i am floating. 13th - we went to golden gate park, which, let me tell you, is the coolest park i have ever seen!

three years ago: 11th - people are starting to claim things from my cubicle, like my tape dispenser and hole punches and stuff. 12th - i stayed up to turn 21. i know, big dork.
13th - earlier in the day, i went grocery shopping, bought mike's hard lemonade, and they didn't even card me. do i look 35??? i think not.

four years ago: 11th - i have no plans for new years as of yet. i still need new friends. 13th - i HATE the dentist. and guess what? one of my childhood sealants wore off and i have my first ever cavity.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
