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100 things

ode to orangeslush
12/06/04 ~ 12:03 p.m.

orangeslush aka "slush"

[no picture because i think she let her gold membership expire and thus i can't rip any off of her page!]

i know slush's real name, but it's wonderful and unique, and i think she likes a certain level of anonymity. so i'll just call her slush.

i think this is the person i know the least since i've started this, so bear with me. i feel like i should know her more, since i read her journal, am on a weightloss board with her, and have her as a friend on friendster. but yet. i know a few small things: she's a grad student, she has 2 cats, and she has an unrequited love.

my only impressions of her are that she sometimes makes quick rash decisions, she has a hard time sticking to her healthy lifestyle (no judgement! i haven't lost any this year!), and is somehow just wanting MORE from life.

i take her to be a genuinely nice person, or else i wouldn't be friends with her, if only online. and i hope she gets that something more.

ode to yvette18
12/06/04 ~ 11:37 a.m.

michelle aka yvette18

michelle found my diary a few years back, i think because i went to uc davis. not exactly sure. she goes to a uc in southern california.

what impresses me the most about michelle is her faith. i don't have that much unwaivering faith in anything. she's had a lot of crap in her life, but yet, she knows that God has a plan. also, i can't understand how she has it in her heart to love a man she's never seen, who has made some bad choices in his life which landed him in prison. she communicates with him by letter, and she believes that he is meant to be with her. it's hard for me to comprehend.

because of all of this, i have huge admiration for michelle. i think she's a truly amazing person, and those people who are lucky enough to have her in their lives should feel blessed and not take advantage of her.

ode to kristi
12/06/04 ~ 11:34 a.m.

kristi at

first off, today is kristi's birthday!!! i'd send you all over there so you could celebrate on her journal, but you do have to be a member of her blog to post comments. ;) she's reallyreallyreally good at all that internet html-y type stuff, so basically, her blog is super complex and cooler than i'll ever be.

ok, so. kristi and i met online because we both have weightloss blogs. then we've found all of these coincidences. she went to high school in the town next to me. our birthdays are 6 days (and a few years) apart. we both hadn't had serious relationships early in life, and then BOOM! we found him, we fell in love super fast, and we moved in. wow.

i'm a little nervous about her relationship, without going into many details, i'll just say that they had a really rough patch, and it would be hard for me to still be in it. however, she loves him very much, and she's following her heart. it just scared me when i read about her heart being broken. somehow, even only knowing her online for a few months, i care about her and i don't like to see my friends getting hurt. that's all.

aside from that, i'm jealous of her cool job where she gets to work from home, her spotless apartment, and her dedication to water arobics. and i hope to meet her someday! :)

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
