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100 things

all about me
11/12/04 ~ 10:11 a.m.

i'm wearing makeup to work these days. something about needing to look more professional or something. heh. i had a makeup counter at the mall show me a suble makeup technique, just powder, some shadow, mascara, and lipstick. so here i am this morning:

not super obvious, and the picture lighting might be off a bit, but there i am. different from what you're used to seeing?

well, this doesn't mean i'll be wearing it on weekends, so you might never see it again. hah.

and i feel cute today, in my tweed skirt and CFM boots. here's my outfit:

yes, hard to see, but david had left for work already so i had to resort to a mirror photo. ;P

end narcissistic post now.


p.s. happy birthday to my little bro, joe! he's 17. and this also means exactly one month to my birthday. woo!


one year ago: methinks i am too good at my job. two reasons - 1) i am constantly finishing all my day's work at about 3:00. too bad i still have a few hours to go till i'm off. and 2) i realize as i am naming my entry that a 1049 is a tax form. sick, sick, sick. (i work for an investment broker).
two years ago: no entry
three years ago: i got googled for "why do me and my crush always bicker?"
four years ago: this is what i'm saying: "about nationals- you do what you want. just make sure i don't find out about it, becasue i *really* don't want to know."

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
